Wasatch Color: Art
Web sites promoting art from the Heber Valley. If you are an area artist and don't see your site, please add it.
- Eccles Center for the Performing Arts (ecclescenter.org)
opened in Park City in 1998. The web site has information on the center, The Pillow Theatre and membership information.
- Park City Film Series (www.parkcityfilmseries.com)
Voted Best Movie Venue in Utah by City Weekly!
- Olson Galleries (www.olsongalleries.com)
In Midway, Olson Galleries offers pen and ink drawings by George Olson. The site includes a gallery of his famous LDS Temple drawings.
- Mountain Spirit Heritage Festival (www.mtnspirit.org)
The Mountain Spirit Heritage Festival and Mountain Man Rendezvous will take place in Soldier Hollow on Sept 19-21.
- Robert Duncan Studios (www.robertduncanstudios.com)
Robert Duncan won the 2003 Best of State award for painting. The site includes calendars, posters, note cards and other art products.
- Peter Fillerup Designs (wildwestdesigns.com)
Wild West Designs features the art and designs and furnishings by Peter Fillerup.
- ML Mural Art (www.painted-house.net)
Indoor, outdoor murals and decorative wall painting gallery. An artist showcase of traditional mural art
- Midway Art Association (www.midwayartassociation.org)
The Midway Art Association promotes art in the town of Midway, Utah.
- High Valley Arts (www.highvalleyarts.org)
High Valley Arts promotes performance arts in Wasatch County including an outdoor theater at 400 East 100 South in Midway.
- Heber Valley Cowboy Poetry (hebervalleycowboypoetry.com)
Heber Valley Cowboy Poetry is a poet gathering and entertainment event.
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