Tesch Graham (www.teschlaw.com) Law firm of Joseph Tesch, Jan Graham and others.
Blue Moon Ranch Alpacas (bluemoonranch.net) Located near Woodland, Utah. The Blue Moon ranch raises alpaca.
Catapulsion (www.catapulsion.net) dedicated to providing High Speed Wireless DSL services to communities and businesses throughout Summit and Tooele counties, Utah.
eDoc Innovations (www.edoclogic.com) Formerly Reed Data, eDoc Innovations is a privately held company that delivers complete optical archiving and electronic document delivery systems.
Allow Me Concierge Service (allowmeservices.wordpress.com) The Allow Me Concierge Service provides helpful services including grocery shopping, recylcing pick-up and errands.
Go Heber Valley (www.gohebervalley.com) A site by the Heber Valley Chamber of Commerce promoting business in the Wasatch Mountains.
Mountain Electric (mountainelectricinc.com) Mountain Electrical Corporation is a specialist in installing heat tape and roof snow melting systems.
Log Craft, Inc. (www.logcraft.net) Log Craft offers custom home design. Services include custom log railings, staircases, home maintenance and more.